txm Cheat Sheet
Session Management
txm new [SESSION_NAME]
: Create a new tmux session
txm list
: List all tmux sessions
txm attach [SESSION_NAME]
: Attach to a tmux session
txm detach
: Detach from the current tmux session
txm rename [OLD_NAME] [NEW_NAME]
: Rename a tmux session
txm kill [SESSION_NAME]
: Kill a tmux session
txm switch [SESSION_NAME]
: Switch to a different tmux session
Window Management
txm new-window [WINDOW_NAME]
: Create a new window
txm rename-window [OLD_NAME] [NEW_NAME]
: Rename a window
txm close-window [WINDOW_NAME]
: Close a window
txm switch-window [WINDOW_NAME]
: Switch to a different window
Pane Management
txm vsplit
: Split the current pane vertically
txm hsplit
: Split the current pane horizontally
txm navigate [DIRECTION]
: Navigate between panes (U, D, L, R)
txm resize [DIRECTION] [AMOUNT]
: Resize the current pane
txm close-pane
: Close the current pane
txm zoom
: Zoom in/out of the current pane
Misc Commands
txm run [COMMAND]
: Execute a command in the current pane
txm save-layout [LAYOUT_NAME]
: Save the current session layout
txm restore-layout [LAYOUT_NAME]
: Restore a previously saved layout
txm set-option [OPTION] [VALUE]
: Set a tmux option
txm execute-script [PANE_ID] [SCRIPT_FILE]
: Execute a script in a specific pane
txm broadcast [INPUT]
: Broadcast input to all panes
txm help
: Display help information