Software Tools
Command-line tool for monitoring memory on linux server (extended free).
neovim switcher
Switch between different nvim configurations.
Command-line utility to make working with tmux more efficient and user-friendly.
ROOT Github Action
Github action to automate running ROOT CERN scripts.
Terminal Quran
Start each new terminal session with a verse from the Quran.
specialized sematnic search engine for LHCb related papers.
A GNU Linux free-like memory monitor tool for MacOS.
Command-line utility to do hadd in parallel for ROOT files.
Arxiv Abstracts Scraper
A python module to scrape arxiv abstracts.
Physics Tools
Particle Decay Calculator
Online Particle Decay Calculator.
Custom fitting module for particle physics.
Python package for seamless handling of Lorentz vectors .
SUSY Mass Spectrum Plotter
A plotting module for SUSY SLHA file Mass Spectrum.
2d Ising Model Simulation
MC simulation of 2d Ising Model - Metropolis Algorithm.
Age of Universe
Hubble constant estimation based on galaxies distances and velocities data.