My Projects

My Projects

Software Tools


Command-line tool for monitoring memory on linux server (extended free).


neovim switcher

Switch between different nvim configurations.

CLI Neovim Configuration


Command-line utility to make working with tmux more efficient and user-friendly.

CLI Tmux Go

ROOT Github Action

Github action to automate running ROOT CERN scripts.

GitHub Action ROOT CERN

Terminal Quran

Start each new terminal session with a verse from the Quran.

CLI Terminal Quran


specialized sematnic search engine for LHCb related papers.

web physics


A GNU Linux free-like memory monitor tool for MacOS.

CLI MacOS System Monitor


Command-line utility to do hadd in parallel for ROOT files.

Python ROOT Parallel Processing

Arxiv Abstracts Scraper

A python module to scrape arxiv abstracts.

Python Arxiv NLP Scraper

Physics Tools

Particle Decay Calculator

Online Particle Decay Calculator.

JavaScript Particle Physics Calculator


Custom fitting module for particle physics.

Physics Particle Physics Python


Python package for seamless handling of Lorentz vectors .

Python Astrophysics

SUSY Mass Spectrum Plotter

A plotting module for SUSY SLHA file Mass Spectrum.

Python SUSY Plotting

2d Ising Model Simulation

MC simulation of 2d Ising Model - Metropolis Algorithm.

Monte Carlo Simulation Ising Model

Age of Universe

Hubble constant estimation based on galaxies distances and velocities data.

Cosmology Sklearn Data Analysis

Web Tools