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My Projects

My Projects

Software Tools


Command-line tool for managing and editing the PATH environment variables.

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Terminal Quran

Start each new terminal session with a verse from the quran.

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neovim switcher

Switch between different nvim configrations.

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Command-line utility to make working with tmux more efficient and user-friendly.

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ROOT Github Action

Github action to automate running ROOT CERN scripts.

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A user-friendly command-line interface for managing the ufw firewall on Debian and Ubuntu systems.

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A GNU Linux free-like memory monitor tool for MacOS.

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A python module to do hadd in parallel for ROOT. Using multiprocessing library.

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Arxiv Abstracts Scraper

A python module for scraping arxiv abstracts for NLP testing purpose.

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Particle Decay Calculator

Calculate and convert between decay length, lifetime and width of particles using online Particle Decay Calculator. written in Javascript

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Binary Black Hole Simulation Package

A Python package for simulating the dynamics and gravitational waveforms of binary black hole systems.

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SUSY Mass Spectrum Plotter

A plotting module for SUSY SLHA file Mass Spectrum.

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2d Ising Model Simulation

Montecarlo simulation of the 2d Ising Model using Metropolis Algorithm.

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Age of universe

Calculate the hubble constant and the age of universe using an sklearn model from galaxies distances and velocities data

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Type Ia supernovae Analysis

revisit the Supernovae 1999 data and reproduce the results.

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